Friday, November 5, 2010


It’s going to be my birthday a couple of days from now, another November 5, and that just got me thinking…Birthdays are supposed to be a celebration of one’s life, a time to take an inventory and look back at the events that happened in the past year and decide what you want the new year to look like.

I thank God for the out-going year; God Almighty has blessed me immensely with peace of mind, amazingly wonderful parents, fabulous siblings and lovely friends. This year has brought me good opportunities, a job (even though it’s not the best there is but I love my colleagues so much if  I have the opportunity to choose, I will choose them over and over again), I have met wonderful people who I wish we’ll be in touch forever( have lost touch with some of them though), I have eaten lovely meals, had good sleeps, been to places I will always remember, I have had my moments of laughter and tears, I have loved and hated, I have lied and have exhibited truck loads of honesty, I have won some battles and  I have lost a few(especially when I got angry),  I have trusted  and have  been let down…. I can go on and on…but most of all, I have learned!

A lot of events happened in my life this year, I can’t list them all but this events meant so much to me (not in any particular order), my big sister got married to a wonderful man, I finally hooked up with some of my high school friends ten years after school (moyo, kunle, sade, laide) you guys rock, my besty travelled without me, I miss her much, this year marked the end of a relationship and the beginning of better ones, gosh! I prayed so much this year than I ever did in my entire life (I think)…. And lots of other things

I accomplished loads of feats this year, and there are still left on my list goals I never accomplished, dreams that were not fulfilled, but through it all, God has been faithful to me, He has blessed me tremendously … the miracle of sleeping and waking up for 365 days (today is the 353rd day though), journey mercies to and fro, good health, sound mind, breakthroughs, liftings, I could go on and on….

I really don’t like getting older, because I still have places I want to visit (Morocco, Tanzania, Greece, Egypt), things I want to do, habits I hope to overcome, dreams I want fulfilled,…but unfortunately, every birthday is a reminder of how much time we have spent here on earth and it also reminds us of the “limitedness” of our time here. Somehow it’s so easy to take life for granted, and live each day as if it doesn’t count…but it occurred to me that if we lived each day as if it’s our last, if we celebrate our birthdays as if it’s the last, we will probably have a  better world, maybe we will start making the changes in our lives that we have always wanted to make, maybe we will get closer to God, maybe we will speak kinder words, hug and kiss our loved ones more, may be…just may be…we will eat healthier, exercise more, have moments with our family and friends, go to the cinemas more, visit the beaches more,  tell people how important they are, work  smarter, enjoy the scenery of life as we live everyday… pray more and just stop worrying about the potholes and stumbling blocks we encounter  in our lives and just live life the best way we can…

I have lived over two decades of my life, it’s been beautiful and tough, I have tried to live it God’s way and my way too, I have done some really naughty things, I have dusted and nursed my knee when I fell, I have climbed again and again when I stumbled, I have had dreams upon dreams, I have discovered and used the many potentials in me,…in short I have had a rich life.

I thank everyone that has made this year worth living, family, friends, colleagues, my FB friends (especially the “Shotty house occupants-you know yourselves”), my BBM friends. THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY YEAR A MEMORABLE ONE…. Let’s do it again in the nu’ year…


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